Manny is a creepy stop motion animation created by Adam Rosenberg, which involves a...'beautiful' mannequin head, and a few other things. I know its a bit bloody and whatnot,but I found it very interesting to watch. it basically involves some tampering with the mannequins face and head, and it gradually gets stranger throughout the video. Its similar to another stop motion by David Firth, called crooked rot, which is as well involves mannequin heads like in this video, tampering with the face and whatnot.
Just a warning though, the video does involve some blood/gore, and is a bit creepy, so if you're not comfortable with things like that, then I suggest not watching it. Though if you don't, go right ahead! :D
Some people might be thinking why I'd even watch a thing like this and think it was actually interesting since its so bloody. But thats not why I think its interesting. I think its interesting