So in class, we were shown a tutorial of how to do some things in photoshop, this involved selecting something, like a person, from another picture, removing their background, and pasting them on a whole new background, and do a few things until it looks like it fits in, or blends with the pic. in this case, I took a picture of a cosplayer, and a nice sparkly background, the my steps.
Firstly, I obviously saved the pictures and opened them in photoshop, I took the cosplayer, and dragged the image onto the sparkly one. I then used the quick selection tool, and took like, 20 minutes selecting around her so I could actually get everything. When I was satisfied with the selection, I used refine edge, and selected it so it looked like what it would without the background, and took away any remaining parts from the original background, then clicked okay. And the cosplayer was only on the sparkly background.
Then, I adjusted things such as exposure, brightness and contrast, before selecting the cosplayer through a mask, deleted the lock on the background layer (which was the sparkly-ness) and made a new layer with it via copy, so part of the background was in the shape of the cosplayer. I moved the layer up over the person, set the layer to color, and adjusted it until I was happy. I also put some white over her, just to brighten her up manually a bit more.
Neither pictures belong to me, the cosplay picture was found here, and all rights go to her;
And the sparkly picture: